I just realized that I got my O-rings stained. They're no longer clear but yellow. In case you don't know what O-rings are, look at the picture. They're little plastic rubber donuts that hold the archwire to the individual brackets. I have ceramic brackets on top so my O-rings are clear. But now they're yellow!! :( I didn't notice it until today so I'm trying to remember what I ate or drank that may have caused the staining. I narrowed it down to 1 culprit: Coffee. It's all my fault because I knew that coffee would stain before drinking, so ignorance couldn't be my excuse.
If you know me well, I'm a big fan of Coffee. I love the smell of it, the taste of it. It's the one thing I look forward to in the morning. But I knew coffee stains things, just like how they stain your teeth, your white mug. So after I got braces, I held back (very hard) and traded in my morning coffee for green tea instead. But after an extremely long week at work last week, I decided to treat myself to nice cup of Iced Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks on Friday. This is my favoritest drink in the world! But little did I know that as I was indulging on my coffee, it's doing damage to my clear O-rings! Getting them stained is not the end of the world. Once I go for my adjustment, the O-rings get replaced and I get brand new ones. But it's just from now until then, I will need to live with yellow ones...