Monday, November 28, 2005

Bad week

It has been a bad week for me since my 2nd adjustment. My mouth wall tissues are inflammed, so whenever I bite or chew or even talk, my teeth trap the tissues in-between. It feels almost like biting on your tongue, but 10x worse because the area is already inflammed. Talk about adding salt to the wound. The rear brackets are not only scraping the walls of my mouth, they are really painful on the gums. My gums where the rear brackets are so sensitive. They are all red and inflammed as well. I think the nurse might have pushed the brackets too far into my gums. I'm going to wait 1 more week and go back to the ortho if the swelling continues.

As you can imagine, it was really painful to eat during the past week, which is such a shame because it was Thanksgiving and I had about 3 dinners to go to. I still have a hard time chewing today. I've changed my diet back to softer foods such as soups, tofu, napa cabbage, and potatoes. I think I will have to go through those food for one more week, or so I hope.