Thursday, November 03, 2005
Endless Sores
When I first got braces on, the metals scraped against the inside walls of my mouth day and night. Knowing that our body is usually very good at adjusting to changes, I tried hard not use any wax because I wanted my mouth to adapt and "immune" to the braces. I want my mouth to quickly develop the stronger tisses to withstand the pain. So, the sores came and went. But I just learned that you can never be done getting sores as long as you have braces on. I got my new adjustment last week and this week, I've already experienced multiple sores inside my mouth, in "new" spots. I guess when your brackets move, they scrape against new areas of the mouth. It's actually quite annoying. So, even if you think that your mouth is equipped to battle sores, it isn't. You'll never be done.